Wednesday, March 9, 2011

BMW(In your face)

So guess what i got for Christmas BMW. Wow.... yeah is no big deal. You would think I was excited about this wonderful gift i received from the father of my daughter and my boyfriend of 7 years. Well I was and I wasn't. You see I know men and Marshall, I know well enough that this is not just a gift this is like what I call "IN YOUR FACE". This was a nice gift don't get me wrong but just let me explain why i wasn't so thrill about it. how can i put it.

So you work all week come home cook dinner but his not home for dinner. His at the bar with his friends. You just did all this for him but because he just got you a car he can go out as much as he wants not caring whats home. But no you see he got you a bmw so you have to kiss his ass as many times as he ask you to because "I GOT YOU A BMW AND YOU DON'T EVEN CARE OR APPRECIATE IT YOU F***ING FAT BITCH'' or "GO GET ME A GLASS OF WATER YOU SPEAC I GOT YOU A BMW IF IT WASN'T FOR ME YOU WILL NEVER HAVE WHAT YOU HAVE. YOU SHOULD THANK GOD YOU MEET ME"  I wonder  why he insist on doing these things for me if he throws it in my face and I wonder why I stay with someone who thinks of me this way. 

I realized few days ago we are not together because we care for each other but is because we have to. Not in a romantic way that we cant live without each other lol . we have a daughter that we both love very much and will put up with each other just so that she can grow up with both parents. But is that healthy? Is it fair to us?

I can cooks 365  meals for a whole year for him but even that would not cover what he did. I can have his clothes ready for him every morning for 730 days and that would that cover what his done for me. i can have the house spotless  for 1095 days and that would not even amount to what his done for me.  in his eyes nothing I do will pay back what his done for me. i ask myself everyday why do i put up with this and only one good reason come to mind. EVA.

I never wanted this car to the beginning  with. I didn't ask for it "IT WAS A GIFT' Well so i though it was. I guess i will learn next time not to take anything from anyone. I just have to work hard in life to get what I want. He ask me why wasn't i excited about the car. Well this is why

I hate that type of men that always throws in your face but never remember what you done for HIM.

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